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HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced Cal Hypo

Say Goodbye to Bacteria & Algae with HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced - Cal Hypo Formula, 1 lb (Pack of 12)

- Easy to use: The 1 lb packs of HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced are easy to store and use, making it a convenient choice for pool owners.
- Cost-effective: With a pack of 12, HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced is an affordable and cost-effective option for pool owners looking to keep their pool clean and free from contaminants.

HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced is the perfect swimming pool chemical to keep your pool clean and free of bacteria and algae. This Cal Hypo formula is a fast-dissolving chlorine shock treatment that quickly kills bacteria and algae. It is ideal for use in all types of pools, including above-ground, in-ground, and spas. The 1 lb (Pack of 12) is a great value, providing enough chlorine shock to treat a large pool multiple times. The easy-to-use formula is simple to use, and the results can be seen almost immediately. With HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced, you can trust that your pool will stay clean and safe for the whole family.