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CLOROX XtraBlue Chlorinating Tablets
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Keep Your Pool Sparkling Clean with CLOROX Pool&Spa XtraBlue Long Lasting Chlorinating Tablets!

- Safe: The tablets are stabilized to prevent the chlorine from dissipating too quickly and they won’t over-saturate the water.
- Effective: The tablets are designed to kill bacteria and algae, making the pool water safe and clean.

The CLOROX Pool&Spa XtraBlue 3-Inch Long Lasting Chlorinating Tablets are an ideal solution for keeping your pool clean and safe. These chlorine tablets are designed to last 3 times longer than regular chlorine tablets, allowing you to enjoy your pool without having to constantly add more chlorine. The tablets dissolve slowly, releasing chlorine into the water to kill bacteria, algae and other contaminants. The tablets are easy to use and come in a convenient 5-pound container. Simply add the tablets to your pool and let them work their magic. With the CLOROX Pool&Spa XtraBlue 3-Inch Long Lasting Chlorinating Tablets, you can keep your pool water crystal clear and safe for swimming.